Newbie here, still in the free trial phase if iRender nXt in Sketchup.  I'm have a problem that I hope someone can help with.  I assign some materials using the 'Select Material to Place or Edit' option from the iRender toolbar.  The materials display in my model and render fine.  However, they do not show up correctly in the Sketchup material pallet - just white boxes (see pic).  If I save the model and then reopen it, all of the iRender materials are displayed in the model in a dark gray rather than the material itself (see pic).  Any ideas?



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We're working on this.

A fix we recently put in for fixing colored tiles which weren't appearing correctly in SketchUp had indeed broken some of the other nXt material appearances.

Hopefully, we'll post a version tomorrow with a fix for this.

We were able to duplicate the problem you ran into here, and we were able to find a fix for it.

We posted a new version, where the materials imported from the nXt library now appear correctly in the SketchUp material dialog, and no longer unexpectedly change their appearance in SketchUp when the drawing is reloaded.

Please try the new version from this link:


Thanks - the new version seems to have solved the issue!

Great! Thanks for the update.

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