Hi Everybody!

Please, could you give me an advise as how to remove the speckles appearing on the edge of a wall while making interior render. With the time process they get more and moe, firstly randomly spread along some walls eges, they progress till making a real dotted line on the wall edge. This appears only in packet mode and when the sun and sky light sources are on. Sorry for being unable to post an image right now, but will do later to make the issue more clear.

p.s. I read here on the forum some steps to avoid this effect but none of them worked for me.

I changed the wall material to glossy, then turned on " no light source reflection", then lowered sun highlight setting to zero - all with no success.

Thanks in advance for any help :)

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See if you can make a small model for us to demonstrate the problem, and we will take a look at it.

Send it to support@renderplus.com

This is what i mean, the dotted lines on ceiling and walls` edges.

The Irender nxt versioon i use is LA03 if this is of importance.

Thank you for sending me the model. The problem was that you wall sere only a single face think and light was leaking between the edges of the walls.

I went around do the back of the house and made each of the walls think - by adding a new face on the ground and raising it up the the height of the walls. And I had to do the same thing for the ceiling. That seems to have fixed the problem.

Original model:

With thick walls and ceiling

Al, Thank you so much!

How I did not realize earlier that incorrect geometry might be causing this speckle effect ?! :)

If the geometry is rectangular and perpendicular, there is usually not a problem. But if any of it is at an angle, then light can slip through.

My problem is similar. The difference is that the positive corners also mean a huge amount nennyiségben. Other than rendering it no problem (vray). I like the NXT because it renders a nice job, but with this problem I do not know what to do. The entire model can not edited. There is not time. I can somehow be avoided? : (

Thank you. Tom

Here is the sketchup modell file.

Details of uploaded file: "vegleges mezotur 2.skp" (95.41 Mbyte)

You can download this file by clicking on the following link:

The file will be stored for 5 days or 10 downloads on our server.

Thank you for choosing our services: ToldACuccot.hu Team!

I downloaded that file, but It did not seem to be the same model as you show rendered above.

The file I downloaded was a building, but it was not the same view as either of the views that you show, and it did not have a roof.

Also, when I look at the IRender nXt About dialog, to see when it was last rendered and what version of the software it was rendered with, it shows that it was never rendered with IRender nXt. So the settings that you used were not saved with the model.

Could you post a model where you have rendered it and had problems that has been saved after the rendering? That way we have the same view and rendering settings, so we can investigate the problem.


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