I have been meaning to request two feature to be added and this newsletter got me to finally make the request.


1st � when rendering a view from Sketchup Render nXt puts a frame around the rendered image, that most often is not matching entirely what was showing on the monitor of the Sketchup window. This frame often then spoils the look and it has to be cropped out.  The request is to provide a means to select for the frame not to show.

2nd � It would be very handy to recall a specific view so one could return to the exact position and zoom level from which a model was “photographed” or endered.


Hope you will consider these two requests,

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1st. Do you get this "frame" when you select "SketchUp" as the Render Image Size? If so, I may need to see a picture from you to show me what you mean by the frame.

2nd. We do allow you to save and reload a view from the rendering window, using the Change View toolbar button, but it's not very easy to find, and you have to start rendering in another view before you would get the chance to recall that saved view.

I like the idea of making it easy to be able to render the exact same view (camera eye, target, and FOV) and image size. We could add a dialog where you could save and reload views and sizes for rendering, perhaps including scene information for layer modes.

We actually save all that view information in a saved jpeg file, in the comments section, so we could ad a feature where you could just click on a saved jpeg from months ago to get the same view and size for the rendering.

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