1) When I create vegetation with the vegetation tool integrated in i render nxt, and I save the image in transparent png format, it creates a kind of border around the vegetation and I don't know how to correct this problem!
2) On the other hand there are sometimes small holes scattered on the vegetation rendering created with the vegetation tool of i render nxt.
Please give me a solution to fix this if you have one ...
Please would you upload the skp file via this link on our site https://renderplus.com/wp2/uploads/ so we can take a look? This looks like the same problem reported on Oct 30 via our support email that we responded to but never received the model.
Try rendering the image without having the HDRi sky checked to be visible.
The HDRi image will still light the model and appear in reflections, but will not be feathered into the transparent png image when you save it.
If you have already rendered the image with the HDRi sky visible in the background, save the image as a Native nXt Image, and then open that file in the nXt Image Editor. You can open that image editor by double clicking on:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_Nxt\nXtImageEditor64.exe
And browsing for the file that you just saved.
Then, after opening that file in the nXtImageEditor, use "File/Save Tonemapped Image As.." menu choice to save the file as a "PNG with alpha channel" .png file.
See if that works for you.
Thank you very much,
I will experiment with the sky off, and I will let you know the result.
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