Hi Al,


I was think about something. May be it could help if you create a Space Design Project Wizard. Means when you stard a new project you can set a title and determine all the directories for the new project, where tthe components, models, attribtes, reports, sda-files, pdf are csv saved to.


Just a thought or possible that I didn't discovered some features yet.



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I am working on a Project Folder.


I am planning to put some items in pre-defined sub-folders rather than to let you name the sub-folders yourself:

  • Reports - directly in the Project Folder (or in ProjectFolder\Reports)
  • SDA files in ProjectFolder\Attributes (if there is a default.sda file in this folder, it will be used by default)
  • SDS files in ProjectFolder\Settings (these are used to save all settings to define the report) (if there is a default.sds file in this folder, it will be used by default)

Models - You or the user can save models here. But nothing in SpaceDesign loads or saves models.

Title - the title is saved in the .SDS file


The last Project will automatically be loaded when you start SketchUp and SpaceDesign.


Can you think of anything else you would like to pre-define for a project?


Placement of Components


SpaceDesign does not have a tool to select or place components.


Do you need one, or can you just use the logic already in SketchUp?




Hi Al,


great thoughts. At the moment I don't have to add something to your list, it seems quite complete. The folders for models and components should just exist, but be empty. May be the user gets a hint that they are there and to keep it tidy maybe place the SKPs in there. But thanks for picking up my idea.



Hi Al,

Can I suggest that you allow the user to determine the path of the project folder, be it in their Documents folder or a network drive. With our company we prefer that as far as possible all settings documents are kept on a network drive, this enables all the users to use common settings and maintains consistency, as well as making updates & changes easier.


Also what happens if there is a default.sda in the \Artibutes and in the \Settings folders, will one take precedence over the other or will you flag that to the user?


We have added a new setting: SpaceDesign Project Folder. If you set it then default settings and defaults are read from that folder. If it a Registry Variable - meaning all users and all databases on a machine wills hare the same setting.


If you do not set the SpaceDesign Project Folder, then the default project folder is in the Roaming App Data folder on your machine (on my machine that is: c:\Users\alh\AppData\Roaming\SpaceDesign>) If you are using Roaming App Data - then that data will be shared across the network


If you want to use a network drive, but do not use Roaming App Data, then just set the Project Folder to that network drive.


Default Attributes are loaded from the single Project Folder (the one you set, or the default one).


Note - the default settings are only loaded once per SketchUp model. If a model already has SpaceDesign attributes then the defaults are not loaded unless you load them again.


I hope to put out a test version the P.M. for people to try.

We probably need to have "My Documents" be the default location for PDF Reports, and use the Project Folder for settings and attributes.

I will add a separate setting "Documents Folder" which can be set to the desired document location - but it will default to My Documents rather than to the Project Folder.


We just uploaded a new version KD12 which should work with Projects


(We had to remove this download. There was a problem in the installation. We will post it again later today)

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