

I was wondering if it is possible to use Umlaute (ä,ö,ü) in the headings of the columns in the report. Would this be possible?



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Send us a sample .SKP model, with attributes defines, and with an Umlaut in the heading, and also in the attributes as well and we will see if it is working. (SketchUp always gives us a hard time with Umlauts, but we will find a way around it)

I copied and pasted your three umlaut letters to the Component name itself (using SketchUp Entity Info), to the heading and to the attribute value for the field "test".


The "test" field worked, but everything else failed.


We will get it fixed.

Sorry for the trouble, but my stupid language uses this characters ;-)
stupid? we just sang a Beethoven Mass using German pronounciation of the Latin.

however, I thought your fellow countrymen were consideringhasing out the Umlauts?

I have Umlauts working now for attribute "titles", and attribute values.


(I kept wanting to give up on this, but I hated to leave a problem unsolved.)


Note: Auto Attributes probably won't work for Components with umlauts in the name. But you can create components with 'ae', etc. in the name and put an umlaut in the component description.




We just uploaded a new version KD12 which should work with Umlauts.


(We had to remove this download. There was a problem in the installation. We will post it again later today)

There is another new version now - try it out. KD13

Cool, thanks a lot.



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