What do we need to do to get this? I’ve clicked on you link ‘Create Pdf’, but it does nothing.

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I believe you clicked on 'Create PDF' in the email. It turns out that the links didn't work properly.


It should have linked here: Create PDF

How to use it

  1. Download the latest version of IRender nXt.
    (This feature was added on Mar 13, 2011).
  2. Render your model, and use the Save Image icon on the toolbar to load the Save Image Wizard.
    Image:Revit save image button.png
  3. Select Create PDF from the bottom of the Wizard.
  4. Enter the PDF settings on the next dialog.

thought the 3d pdf was interesting but did not follow how you create.  Can you provide a bit more detail?


After you click Create PDF this wizard will appear:


Image:IRender 3D PDF Wizard.jpg

You can use this Wizard to add titles, notes, a logo, a page background, and to position the image and 3D Model on the PDF page.

See: Page Layout for explanations on how to set and use the format options.


I have problems with it too. When I click Create PDF in the Save Rendered Image window I get the Wizard, but when I click Create PDF in the Wizard the Wizard windows is closed and nothing happens. No PDF file gets saved. When I click the Preview button, Adobe Reader opens and displays an error message.

The sample 3D PDF linked from the news letter works perfectly, so the viewer works fine.


My Wizard windows says "28 days left for trial mode" in the lower left corner. Should it do that?

Let us know what version of Adobe Reader you have.


This can be tricky because when you click on our sample PDF it may be opening the PDF in your web browser - using a different version of Adobe Reader than us used to load PDFs from the disk.


And send the PDF it cannot load to support@renderplus.com so we can take a look at it.

(I just tested Preview here and it worked)

Anb, of course, make sure you had Open PDF checked on the wizard and that the folder for the PDF in the upper right of the Wizard is open and writeable on your machine.

I have Adobe Reader X version 10.0.1.


Where is the preview PDF file saved? It is when I click Preview I get the error message. When I click Create PDF I get no PDF file whatsoever (and Adobe Reader is not launched, even when Open PDF is checked). I have entered a directory/file that I can write to. No problems saving the rendered PNG files in that directory.


I saved the sample file locally and opened it and it still works fine.


I use Windows 7 SP1 x64.

It is saved as 3D_Model_Preview.pdf in your "temporary" folder.

I do not know an easy way to find your temporary folder.

You can go to a DOS Prompt and enter: echo %TEMP%

Ok, found it. The file is empty, 0 KB.
Selecting U3D doesn't create any file either. When I select HTML, I get the html file and the directory xxx_files, but the directory is empty.
We're making a new version with a log file and some better error checking.

Al. This thing is great. Questions

1) Any thoughts of a plug-in for Revit?

2) The walkthroughs are great, but seem always to hit a limit upon entering a structure, whereupon you cannot advance any further (it slows down to its stop-point). Is this a limitation, or am I doing something wrong?

3) In the Model Tree of the PDF, are you thinking of adding an ability to change material characteristics?


Geof Narlee

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