
Thanks for creating latest version of Space Design (KE13)

However, possible bug noted when creating reports (PDF or CSV).

See attached JPG.........



Howard L'


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Ignore above Bug Report !!!

I've got Space Design KE13 running OK now.

I've got no idea what was causing Bug but its now stopped !!!


Filtering works well.

Rattled thru a massive model in seconds and produced a report.


Thanks once again for producing latest version.

Howard L'

I had a similar problem when I set a filter to an attribute which was not actually set.


I'll take a look and try to fix it for future versions.


If you do get the same problem again, try opening the ruby console. If you can send me the last few ruby messages before the error it will help me track it down.


See attached txt file, may help.

Info from Ruby Console just before error message appears as suggested.



Howard L'



I will add some better rubu console messages to try to trace this.


If it happens again, open the ruby console and enter:








If it is a component instance, try also:



It sould also help if you would save the model and send the .SKP to


Were you filtering on material names.


I found a bug which could cause this problem if you were filtering on material names and the component on group did not have a materials.

We posted a new version which may fix the .name problems, or at least should give some better error messages.

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