I am using licenced version IRender_3_KC23nxt recently purchased.

I am trying to edit material/color.

I click on the surface,then click choose color and then from Material Channel dialog box select a color.

On clicking reset current material, nothing happens and the color is not edited. Same is the case with edit material. I am also not able to load any art material also here.

Also dark patches are seen below the stairs ( Image attached.) How to remove these patches

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You mention "reset". When changing the color of a material with "Change Color", the color should change as you move the slider bars. "Reset" resets it back to the original color. So you would not want to click reset if you were trying to change the color.


Each of the Names on the left is the name of a material. The material you clicked on when you chose 'Change Color" is automatically selected in the list at the left. You should be able to use the slider bars to change it.


"Edit Material" is completely different. It edits the actual material. If the material has a texture, then you cannt use the color to change the color of the texture. This is much more complicated. To change the color of a textured material, you would either need to load a different colored texture, us blend the color with the texture in the Advanced Material Editor.

Hi Al Hart,

Thanks for the reply. I am OK with changing color now. But How to edit material. I want to change the material from Default Metal to Default Glass.

Hi Mustafa

Are you trying to edit material without re running renderer ?

You cannot edit material in realtime like you can with material colour change - to change material from default metal to default glass you need to change it in material editor and rerun render to see a change in render window.



When we open the nXt Image Editor immediately after the rendering, we get the green button to re start the rendering. But after closing it and subsequently opening the nXt Image file we do not get green button to re render after editing material. How to re run the render.

Good Morning Mustafa

Re opening the NXT image file is effectively only opening the NXT image editor and therefore there are limits to what you can adjust in the image editor - although it appears similar to the original render window the two windows have quite different functionality. At present when reopening file in image editor you are opening a finalised file which does allow certain changes such as light ,material colour and tone but not basic fundemetal geometry and materials. The only way to re run render after the original render window is closed is to rerun your original model in SU and hence open a new render window. To change geometry\materials the software needs to extract the relavant information again. If the render window remains open you can rerun render with changes until you close render window completely.

To speed things up a little you could try running original model from the batch folder by selecting run batch exe file , stop after first pass and then change settings - this will cut out extraction time on large models - but would suggest for ease of monitoring changes it would be better to rerun from SU


I hope that makes sense, Al the developer may add a more technical response later when they wake up on the `other side of the pond`




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