
I’m having a problem with calculation is Space Design, I have a drawing with a number of dynamic components all of which have a common attribute Length (cm)

In Space Design I have created an attribute called Len  which uses DC: length in the Extend from.  

If I set the format as Database shows everything in mm, if I set it to numeric than is shows inches, (either is OK)

When I try to use Len in a calculation the field is always 0,  I have tried all the possible combinations I can think of but the answer is always 0.

I just can’t see where I’m going wrong. 
I am using version KE23


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I am looking at this.


What is the exact text in your calculation string?

Hi Al,

The current text is  %Len% * 10 but I have tried various different calculations. At present I am just trying to get a value other than 0.


I found a bug in getting the DC: lenx value. I will post a new version today.

Also, make sure your calclation string has a space after the DC:, (e.g. %DC: lenx% * 100)

You can hardly see the space, but it needs to be there)


I missed the part about extend from. I'm not sure that you can use extend from in calculations, because it is not calculated until all the rows are added together. I will check it out.


If you can't use the extended values, you will have to use the raw values instead, and extend them later.


e.g. Make a dummy attribute called length_cost which is "%DC: length% * 1.23", and then extend length_cost itself.


Uzeno said:

Hi Al,

The current text is  %Len% * 10 but I have tried various different calculations. At present I am just trying to get a value other than 0.


I just checked - you can not use an extended attribute in a calculation


We don't extend the attributes, (multiply by quantity), until all the calculations have been performed.


Depending on what you are trying to do, there is also a concept of additional report rows after the totals which allow you to perform calculations on the totals.

Hi Al,
Ok thanks will look out for it. 
I had tried the calculation with %DC ....% with and without a space, but the program crashed.
I also get an error when trying to get the DC's cordinates or sizes.

Error attached. (note on the error report there is no way to copy the text to the clipboard, you cna only do a print screen, might be usefull to add the ablity to copy the contents so they can be emailed.



Hi Al, 
Got it, leavng out the "extended from" and using %DC: ..% in the calculation is working. Yesterday it wasent. Was using the previous release.


The error I fixed today may only appear if you are right clicking on a component and selecting "Edit SpaceDesign Attributes" - which should show the calculated values, but not let you change them.

Hi Al,
Im not creating any attributes withthe right click method. They are all created from within "Define Space Design attributes" window.

I'm now getting another error using the DC attribute in the calculation:-
"Error: Attribute Calculation Level too deep: DC: length"
The calculation is:   %DC: length% * 2.54 * %DC: cpm% + %DC: cb%
I have similar calculations in two other attributes.

Sorry I forgot to add this line as part of the error message
(Error occurred in C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\SpaceDesign\ruby\spdes.rbs line: 360)
There is a depth limit of 10 to make sure that you don;t have an loop in the calculations, but it shouldn't apply here. It must not be resetting properly. I'll try to find it in a bit...

There doess not seem to be a problem with nesting levels.


Make sure that none of you calculations include other attributes which are being calculated.


If you like save your .SKP and email it to support@renderplus.com and I will take a look.


Uzeno said:

Sorry I forgot to add this line as part of the error message
(Error occurred in C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\SpaceDesign\ruby\spdes.rbs line: 360)

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