" ( Al first discussion post does not allow you to add links words or images just attachments ?)"

When I start a new discussion, like this one, I get a toolbar for adding images, links, etc.

Do you not get it?

I tried this while logged in as another user and got the same toolbar.

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just get this
And when replying get this, still not the same as yours

I get the same as Al

Cheers Boothy -
Must be for pro users ;-) There must be a setting somewhere I've turned off, but I don't remember making changes to settings like that.
I'm using Firefox.

EDIT Thats strange I just tried again and it appeared like magic. I had just updated my page to match the main?
And now it gone again???
Had you changed the settings of your Page back?
No just updated to same appearance as main page and saved.

Just tried again, still no tools
Just posted on light bleed and moved cursor over where tools should be an got this. It appears they are there but invisible
Its probably just me ;-)

Firefox always seems to be a rule to itself when I am formating my website - it sthe one I can never get to work with all other server types - I use old fashioned IE8 - does firefox not retain client data or malware orsomething ? Or am I getting mixed up.

Works perfectly with good old IE8 :-)
Here is a post from somewhere else on the web:

"I just upgraded to firefox 3.6 this morning to give things a little test, and when editing an object I loose the wysiwyg editor function. Any ideas for a work around. I know I am going to get a lot of calls from people saying that they can no longer edit."


I am running 3.6.10 and sometimes I don't get the proper editor.
Hurray its working - Thanks Al

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