I produce some fairly large, fairly complex models. I need to report on various custom dynamic attributes I have defined for the components. I just downloaded the trial version and have not had a lot of luck finding guidance on the web site. The UI for reporting contains fields I want to remove (cost, extended cost, etc.) and there are fields I have managed to add. Defining these latter has produced multiple errors, but somehow the fields got in. I have saved my "customized" report, but somehow settings revert and I cannot remove those defaults (cost, etc.).


What am I missing? At the moment I'm only interested in a reporting engine. I am trialing various alternatives for inclusion in service delivery, and this looked very promising until these (and similar) errors occurred.


Any guidance is most appreciated.


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Setting up the attributes can be difficult the first time - because there a many powerful things which can be done, and the syntax can get complex.


If you like, send me a small model (We only need 1 or 2 components while setting up the attributes)


Send it with whatever attributes you have defined already, and let me know what other attributes you would like include.



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