Can you point me to documentation and/or downloads for setting up the "Render Farm" component?  I seem to be overlooking it.

My goal is to set up a second PC to do all the rendering.

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Good news.

We'll have to find a way around that.

Did you wind up using version 276 or 239?

I presume from your comments that you installed the software as one user, with admin permissions, and then ran SketchUp as another user, and therefor we couldn't find the registry location.

I stuck with v276.

And yes, my user does not have admin privileges so it was not installed under her account. 

I just tried version 276 and it does seem to be working properly.

The render farm can be a bit confusing, (even for us). One trick will be to look in the Farm Folder from time to time to see what is going on, and, of course, let us know if you have any problems.


(There are lots of interesting potential problems - like what happens if you shut down, or remove from the internet on of the farmer machines - to simulate a machine failure. The farm seems to continue pretty well when these problems occur, but you may want to test them out.)

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