Just getting to grips with iRender  which i think is fab. However using treemaker i have encountered a few issues.

1 when i scale them in sketch up they render at orginal size

2 if I add a trunk they render only with one trunk

3 Some existing trees i have work fine but others seem to tile the image much smaller in the shape of the tree.


Would appreciate any comments/solutions to the above


Re 1 and 2 Below top image is irender bottom is sketch up scene this was rendered from

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I Seemed to get around the tiling problem as I  discovered that irender was using the original texture size, to do this i exploded the tree component and recreated the texture so it was not scaled in sketchup and the tree component seems to render fine now still stumped (excuse the Pun) on the trunk  and scaling issue of irender created trees.
This  seems to work for the tree maker components also not ideal tho.

I just placed a tree with a double trunk and it rendered as a single trunk.


Let me see if I can trace down the problem.


The tree has 2 trunks, but you cannot see them from some views.


Here I placed a reflective dome next to the tree and you can see that the reflection from the side shows the two trunks.


Then I turned off "Always face camera" in SketchUp for the tree component, placed another copy of the same tree and rotated it. The second tree does show the trunks in the main view.


Enclosed three images, first is sketch up model second is rendered image third is with components exploded (they render perfectly). seems that if you reduce the scale of a tree it renders at the smaller size if you scale it up it stays the same size as the orginal. trunks  don't appear eitherway unless you explode and re-make the component it must be a problem with the way irender reads the tree maker component.

Not sure how you turn off alway's face camera in sketchup, you would't want to do this in a model anyway.



We will change to standard rotation so that the always-face camera double trunks work properly.

Also, I will look into the scale issue.

In your third image, the texture images stored in SketchUp are being rendered, rather then re-rendering the tree as a fractal tree. This will work OK for background trees. But for closeups, or higher resolution renderings the re-renderered trees will look better. Also, the lighting from the sun, shadows on branches and  shadows on the ground are done properly when re-rendering.


Here are two trees. The one on the left is still a TreeMaker tree, the one on the right has been exploded and is rendered as a texture image.



Here is another view where the camera is much closer to the trees.

The tree on the left is re-rendered to provide more detail. The tree on the right is "blown up" from the SketchUp texture image and does not work well at this scale.


Ok thanks ok will need to just work with single trunk trees and not scale them for now will the fixes be in the next update

You can also try a triple trunk tree, or a 4 trunk tree. They will show at least some trunks.

We have fixed both of these items.

I will add a post here when we put out a new version

We just uploaded a new version of IRender nXt which should fix this problem.

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