
I may be going at this in the wrong way so I am asking for some guidance.

I have been rendering a fairly big and detailed model.

Stilll working on grass and street textures but I am wondering about the buildings.

I love the way they look as lit by HDRI but the shadows are all sort top down,  I want to get some time of day shadows.

I have had success baking tow images, one HDRI, one with sun, then comping them together.

Is there a better way to do this?

thanks to all,


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I believe you can do both HDRi and sun at the same time............
Give it a try
Using both - HDRi and Sun will require some balancing of intensities - but the new Lighting Channels should make this easier.

If an HDRi file has a sun in it (and if it is a good quality HDRi image), then the sun should cast shadows.
I think I am getting what I want.

This grass has some rubble in it, still a bit too green.

did you add a sun to hdri, or use a hdri with a sun?
Hi Patrick

A joy to see how this is developing.

Have you tried the IRendernXt built in ground cover. Link

I have been experimenting with it and got some very good results- as below

Change colour of grass png and you get ( you could add more detail)

Attached is grass.ArGroundcover file and png of grass leaf. I tend to put leaf in "C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_Nxt\Support\Plants\Leaves". If you put it elsewhere you need to link to it selecting leaf image in editor and saving.

To get to groundcover, right click surface and IRender:Object properties option appears select that and you get window as link above.

PS Seems to render faster with path trace for plants and trees

Use basic ground of grass or dirt in sketchup

Just for fun replaced grass leaf with stones.

Heres another image house from 3dWH, and at angle grass is thicker, but a little too green.


When you apply the grass texture, I guess it doesn't actually show. It took me a while to figure that out. What settings did you use to make the grass? Mine looks kinda thin.

Hi Chris

Sorry - Yes it doesn't show until you render
My example attached looks thin when you look from above, but from a angle with a sketchup grass ground there not too bad.
I'm experimenting at the moment to get a more thicker mat effect, and will post settings if I get it to work.

When you say SketchUp "Grass Ground" are you saying you first have an .skm of grass and then add the texture in I-Render as an object property?

Hi Chris

"In nutshell" - yes, or I use say a gravel or dirt .skm depending on the effect I'm after. Or import a photo realistic texture. which becomes an .skm. Then I apply the IRendernXt Object property.
Hi Chris
This is as near to grass mat effect I can get at the moment.

Packet method

Path Trace (there is difference and Roy is aware of this , doubt its a bug just the different way it renders)

Changed some settings and the grass png. Attached below


Al Hart said:
did you add a sun to hdri, or use a hdri with a sun?

HDRI lighting + Sun, 40 passes, 3 million polys due to my overly detailed modeling (they were accurate stand alone models)
This grass looks amazing, I have used ar materials but the rye grass I used gave me no joy.

Thanks for the help and interest, I am getting busy with other work and and it may be a awhile before I repost, but looking forward to implementing you advise. (And materials)

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