I know most of my wishes should be handled by Sketchup but in the event RenderPlus could help (since they all seem to come during the applying material textures phase):

  1. Is there any way to click on an object to isolate all objects on that layer (i.e. turning all the other layers' visibilities "off")?
  2. Click on another button to turn all the other layers back on that were on at the time of isolating?

This is just a start; I don't want to overstay my welcome.

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Another wish:

I'd like to apply material textures by LAYER instead of by entity sometimes. Is that possible?

We have a function to rename materials in a layer to match the layer names.

See:  Create Materials from Layer Names

Unfortunately, I just tried it and it failed to load the dialog properly. I will get it working again and then let you know when it is ready to test.

Is there any thought of adding 2 more channels to the lighting channels list since the Sun and sky take up two of the 8 channels? And It would be nice to be able to color the channels so that you can go from cool fluorecent to warm incandecent by moving the color slider like we do with the materials.  Also any thought of packaging the Nxt image editor as a separate program for ArielVision people. This way you could buy ArielVision, and like the Vue packages,  keep adding functionality with addons ala-carte? Just a thought. Also, a tiny live previewer would be useful. Or a light meter for the professionals.  Keep up the good work guys. With all of the new development of rendering package out there I still find IRender to be the most predictable and intuative static renderer available. Thanks for a great program,     

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