Always problems!
I downloaded and installed the latest version.
And behold, the problem at the opening of SketchUp.
(Even the "repair" SketchUp has no effect).
I hope you can solve, as quickly as possible this annoying inconvenience.
Here's what happens:

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These are all links to google web pages - we don't call them.

Can you go to SketchUp/Preferences/Extensions and turn off IRender nXt and restart SketchUp to see if you still get the error.

Also, open the Ruby console before starting IRender nXt, and see what the last thing we display before the error message appears is, so we can see what we are doing when it fails.

If you don't get it, then turn IRender nXt back on, and see if you get it after IRender nXt starts up.

the problem is not resolved by uninstalling nxt.
What should I type in ruby ​​console?

When you uninstalled nXt, did the messages go away?

Don;t uninstall it, just uncheck it in Preferences.

Then when you start SketchUp next, IRender nXt won't load.

Then when you do start SketchUp, open the ruby console, you don't need to type anything in. Then check IRender nXt again in Extensions, and load IRender Nxt, and send us anything in the Ruby console which displays before the error message appears.

Messages appear immediately when you attempt to open SketchUp.
This always happens. With or without Irender nxt.
is only happened with the installation of nxt.
Before it had never happened.
In Ruby console, however, nothing appears.

Ho reinstallato la vecchia versione.
Adesso tutto sembra funzionare.
La cosa è molto strana.

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