can you please explain how to run 2 versions of nXt at the same time? Not sure how to go about doing that.


If you want to download both the stable and he beta test version, then both will appear in the SketchUp plugins menu. You can choose the one you want to run. You should not use autoload if you want to be able to select which version to run from within SketchUp.


If you want one or the other version to not appear, without un-installing it, you can remove the .rb file in the SketchUp plugins folder or change the extension from .rb to something else (like .sav)


     Directory of C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins

     499 Irender_nXt_loader.rb

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I'm a bit still unclear........programming illiterate you know. If both versions are in the plugins folder do 2 menu bars appear in SketchUp? If so, how do I know which is which?


What do you mean by autoload?  Does this mean that I unzip the file somewhere and move the .rb file to the plugins menu? If I unzip it, where do the other files go?


Please....a step by step if you would.






I can't really provide a step-by-step because I am not ssure what you are trying to do.


The original question was "how to run 2 versions of nXt at the same time?" The quick answer is that you cannot run two versions of IRender nXt in the same instance of SketchUp at the same time. However, some users may want to install both versions, run the stable one sometimes and run the Beta test version at other times.


If you have installed both versions, you can load the stable or the beta from the plugins menu - but not both. It will warn you if you try to.


Autoload is a feature of Render Plus Applications to automatically load the application without having to load it from the plugins menu. If both versions are present, it may not know which to load.


We just released a Beta test version this week, and we have not ironed all the bugs out yet, (That is why we released it as a Beta test version). If you are having any problems with the beta test version, uninstall it and stick with the stable version until we get more of the problems ironed out.






So in simple terms, I have to rename the .rb file extension to change from one version to the other...correct?



Al Hart said:

I can't really provide a step-by-step because I am not ssure what you are trying to do.


The original question was "how to run 2 versions of nXt at the same time?" The quick answer is that you cannot run two versions of IRender nXt in the same instance of SketchUp at the same time. However, some users may want to install both versions, run the stable one sometimes and run the Beta test version at other times.


If you have installed both versions, you can load the stable or the beta from the plugins menu - but not both. It will warn you if you try to.


Autoload is a feature of Render Plus Applications to automatically load the application without having to load it from the plugins menu. If both versions are present, it may not know which to load.


We just released a Beta test version this week, and we have not ironed all the bugs out yet, (That is why we released it as a Beta test version). If you are having any problems with the beta test version, uninstall it and stick with the stable version until we get more of the problems ironed out.




So in simple terms, I have to rename the .rb file extension to change from one version to the other...correct?



No. If you install both versions, you can select the version you want to run from the SketchUp Plugins menu

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