The quick answer is to let it render for more passes. The default of 20 is good for trial renderings. But letting it cook for a couple hours - 100s or 1,000s of passes - will product a better result.
I presume you were not using Path Trace mode (if you were the first pass would have a lot of dark dots in it). In Path Tracer mode, you will a lot more passes.
No, I wasn't in path trace mode but ok, I'm not really surprised to have to use a really bigger number of passes.
I'm not sure that the number of passes is the problem. I am not sure what you mean by "grainy". (I am a programmer, not a graphics designer). "Grainy" is a subjective term.
It could be that the materials you used in SketchUp were "grainy" to start with.
Does everything seem grainy, or do some things seem more grany then others? Perhaps you could draw an area on the image to show me what you mean.
The reflection adds a lot of realism to the image.
This sentence is a little unclear to me:
"In fact, for me this image is far to be as sharp as the ones I can see in the gallery."
But, I see you marked the topic resolved. Are you satisfies with the results, or do we have more work to do.
The Path Tracer add some subtle improvements to the final image to make it more realistic. But it takes many, many more passes and much longer. (We will be releasing our Render Farm next month - so people who can afford a render farm of 4 really fast, multi-core machines will be able to let these types of renderings run 10 to 20 times longer.)
Hi Al,
In fact no, I'm not satisfied and don't understand what to do. The next image is obtained in raytracing after 1750 passes and is again really "noisy", I don't know how to exactly qualify it but it's quite easy to it's a bit like if it was printed on rugged paper or something like that.
I'm so far the very smooth images you show on the gallery that I think I rellay not understood the parameters to use.
Am I far from the minimum passes' number to get a good result? or is there another parameter to adjust?
So ok, if we look at the image posted yesterday at 600 passes and the one posted today at 1750 passes, there is a noticeable difference.
It tooks 19h on my poor Opteron 185, so after 3 weeks, I could get, maybe, this result.
The number of passes improves the image. However the use of lights, materials, etc. is probably even more important.
Here is the image you linked to in your previous post:
(There is a second tab on the image icon to embed images from the wbe, by URL, to make them easier to see as you are reading a thread)
This image has a lot of lighting, reflective door handles, etc. which add a lot to the appearance of the overall result.
Perhaps some other users could add some advice on how to change the model, adding lights, etc. to get better images.
Can you upload your model to the forum, so other can take a look at it.
Or else upload it only to us at Render Plus using the uploads tab at the top of the page, so we can take a look at it?
Sorry, in the upload file I removed a necessary entity . Normally ceiling is closed.
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