Dear Al and Rich,

I'm testing the new version of SD LF12.

The 'Text Substitutions' option plus the 'Rich Text Editor' and 'Dynamic View of the Page Layout' with margins and image is great!

I like the option where you can input the PDF page size 'free hand'.

I'm amazed by the fact that, I can get any size of rectangular PDF paper!

I have tested 'small and big perfect squares' and long 'sausage dogs' arrangements - it works beautifully.

I have some small problem with the Time Format.

Tried one of your examples - %TM[%b %d %Y %X]%

and this is what I get in my PDF.

Any reason?



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Thanks for the comments. I added that PD size option, since sometimes people need a specific page size when they embed the PDF in an HTML page.

I'll check out the Time Format, must be something simple...

We fixed the Time Format ( %TM[%b %d %Y %X]% ) bug and posted a new version.

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