This happens with anything, even a simple cube.

I just got iRender nXt for Sketchup and after I select render (green ball) and choose exterior lighting, press Start rendering, it gets to raytracing and says iRenderbatch encountered a problem and needs to close.

Could this be because of my hardware settings? My video card is quite old, I think it's a direct x7.

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When we render from SketchUp, we save all of the data we need in a folder on the disk.

That folder of data can be copied to any machine and rendered, even if SketchUp is not installed on that machine.

Can you zip that folder and send it to me? Then I can see if it's something in the data, some setting, or if it is really your machine that's causing the crash.

By default, this folder is a folder called "nXt_batch" in your TEMP folder.

We also show the location of your batch folder on this dialog:

For me, the TEMP folder is 


You can usually jump to your TEMP folder in Windows Explorer by entering %TEMP% in the window and using the Enter key. Then you can look for the "nXt_batch" folder. If we can't find it, that may be the problem right there.

Can you send me that batch folder? Just zip it and email to, or use this link to send it, if it's a large file:

I've uploaded to mediafire to save filling in emails and info

Beats me what's causing this, no other renderer will work either..

Thanks, Rich.

It rendered fine for me.

Please try it yourself from outside SketchUp.

Run the executable:

C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_nXt\IRenderBatch.exe

and browse to the file named "nxt_render_params.txt" in that batch folder, and open it. (That's how you can render batches outside of SketchUp.)

Maybe we'll get a better error message that way.

Or, if you cannot run IRenderBatch.exe, then that's the problem and we'll have to track down what is missing on your machine.

Same thing, just that it encountered an error...

Yeah, there must be something missing. How can we find out that?

When you ran IRenderBatch.exe, did it prompt you for the file to open, or did it just crash right away?

It opened by itself.

When I double click on IRenderBatch.exe, I see this dialog:

Does that appear for you?

Yes, this time it did, but it shows the next screen and I can see in the bottom left "Starting Raytracing" and after a few seconds it gives up and the error message.

AppName: irenderbatch.exe     AppVer: 2012.2.10.0     ModName: arcore.dll
ModVer:     Offset: 0000aae6

If I quickly run it again, it doesn't take 2 seconds, it instantly crashes.

There is a program called depends.exe which might show us what is failing.

You can download it from this link:

Download it and unzip it somewhere, and run depends.exe.

Use it to open the file IRenderBatch.exe and see if there are any errors shown, beside the ones below:

We always see those errors listed for IESHIMS.DLL, SHLWAPI.DLL, and IEFRAME.DLL, but tell me if you see anything different.

Then click on ProFile/Start Profiling to run it. That will load this dialog:

Check the boxes to report errors as above, and click on OK.

Hopefully it will show an error message that will give us a clue.

Hmmm, mine looked quite different when it loaded up the report.

There's a ton of stuff, but I can't make head nor tail of it. I think this is a log that you could import?

Thanks, I emailed that .DWI log file off to a couple of people to see if anyone has any ideas.

Could you load that DLL:

c:\program files\render plus systems\irender_nxt\bin_nxt\ARCORE.DLL

into depends and see if that gives us any clues?

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