I was wondering, since a couple new updates now there is an auto save path in user\documents\irender\
I was wondering, it may be just me but I can't seems to find the option to choose yourself another path, like, user\desktop.
Any updates on that or something I missed?
I was actually wondering why you didn't keep the old version where you could choose the path directly after rendering. I just tried via the image tab and choosing a file in the user\desktop and It still saved it to the user\documents\irender\
Did I just miss something here?
There are 3 ways to save images, so I am a little confused about which one we are discussing:
Autosave - these are saved every few passes while rendering. This protects you if the render crashes, or if your machine reboots. (Microsoft seems to reboot my machine for me about once a week - so the Autosave is the best way to insure that I have the latest image from my overnight renderings.
AutoImage - this automatically saves a copy of the image when the rendering is complete.
Save Wizard - this is the save icon on the toolbar - it can be used to save the image while rendering, or after rendering. We recently changed it so that you select the image type, and image path, and then click OK to save the image.
The way 'Save' works is somewhat confusing. We switched to this because the various image formats (PNG, PNG with Alpha, JPG with comments, JPG without comments, etc.) we getting difficult to handle. And we wanted to add a new option - save as PDF file - and we didn't want to just keep adding new icons to the toolbar.
1. Currently, if you select Browse to choose a file name, it does not save until you click OK.
- I will probably add a button to the left of Browse, e.g. Save Now, to Select an Image name and save it immediately.
2. Also, it does not warn you when you are overwriting an existing image. We will fix this.
3. It is a nice feature that it automatically selects an image folder (based on your last save), and an image name (based on your SketchUp model name). I am thinking of adding a checkbox to always save with a unique name (by adding, 1,2,3... to the end of the file name. This is handy when you want to save various images from the same model without overwriting the old ones.)
4. It is a nice feature that it automatically changes the extension as you select the various output formats.
I would appreciate anyone comments on the new Save Wizard. ("Give me back the old save toolbar icon", or "Give me back the old copy to clipboard toolbar icon" are acceptable comments.
I just checked, and the folder for the "Save" Wizard is not "sticking" . (Stick" means remember the last setting the next time you use it)
It should remember the last folder you used. I will discuss this with Rich and we will probably either change it, or provide a way for you to set the default "Save" folder.
I actually didn't mean to say 'give me back the old one' its more like a 'I like the new wizard but there is some things that you should have kept from the old one'
- I will probably add a button to the left of Browse, e.g. Save Now, to Select an Image name and save it immediately.
... Is actually what i wanted to hear.
With that in mind, I know the next update will correct my problem.
And, or course, "properly remembering the last path used"
(I didn't mean that you were making those comments "give me back...). But I want to invite others reading this thread to suggest improvements, (or regressions), as well.
I think if the new save dialog\wizard can be opened and used without affecting or stopping current render we may have the best of all worlds
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