In SU7 with IRender stable, the library materials work, but in SU8 and IRender beta, the library materials is not working.

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By not working, do you mean that you get a dialog saying that the libraries are not loaded? Or something else?

It it's the former, can you still browse to the folder where the libraries are installed, usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\Accurender Libraries\Materials", and load them that way?
browse the folder

launch material library in SU7 & SU8 and click on [More functions...]

Click on [Load Materialfrom AR3 Material library]

Only SU7 appears dialog library materials. In SU8 nothing appears, even the dialog.

Installed the latest stable version JI17nxtb , also SU7 now disappeared Material Library dialog box. I went back to the previous stable version JD13nxt.
We are trying to find a solution for this.

All the materials in the AR3 library are not available in the nXt material library.

Is there a reason you are using AR3 materials?

Do you also want to use the Ar3 Plants?
I use the AR3 libraries because I have always used beginning with IRender. No use the AR3 plants, use the RPC library of plants, cars and people.

Al Hart said:
We are trying to find a solution for this.

All the materials in the AR3 library are not available in the nXt material library.

Is there a reason you are using AR3 materials?

Do you also want to use the Ar3 Plants?
We are working to get the AR3 plant and material libraries working again.

We just wanted to make sure that you, (and other users), really wanted to use them.
We just uploaded a new Stable Release version, JI24, which seems to work with AR3 plants and materials properly.

I just upgraded to IRender_4_KH19nxt and installed it. I also installed RPS_nXt_Libraries_JB05nlc and now, the only materials I have available in IRnXt are the standard SU8 materials. I need access to these materials to complete my models and I uninstalled SU7 long ago already.


I am also confused by the question above regarding the reason why someone was using AR3 materials. I thought these materials were an integral part of IRnXt. Does IRnXt come with a new set of materials or what? All I now have available are the standard SU materials and I cannot do what I need with only these.


The attachment shows what I get - blank libraries...


Alan R


Shortly after nXt was released, most, if not all, of the AR3 material libraries were converted to individual .ArMaterial files, which work much better than the older AR3 materials with the nXt rendering engine.

We stopped distributing the AR3 libraries because of the problems they had. The nXt Libraries installs these new materials as .ArMaterial files.

The new materials are accessed by using the paint bucket tool on our tool bar to load the "Load .ArMaterial" dialog. Clicking on "Load from library" button, lets you select these materials from the disk, using a Windows Explorer dialog, as shown below:

Does that button work for you?

The button "More Functions/Load Material from AR3 Library" will let you select the older AR3 materials if they are still on your disk. If you'd like, I'll create an install which will let you place those AR3 libraies in the folder where they can be found for that older "Material Library" dialog that you attached to you post.

I went ahead and built an install for the AR3 libraries. It can be download using this link:

It will, by default, install the AR3 Material libraries into the same path where the nXt libraries are installed, so that they will be found the next time you start SketchUp and IRender nXt, and therefore show up in the AR3 Material Library dialog.

Thanks for thr reply Rich. I was able to load them as you noted above using the Wondows Explorer dialog. Is there any way to change the material previews from spheres to cubes or flat surfaces. The spheres make it all but impossible to view masonry. I'm finding that CMU is not rendering correctly and have attached two images to show you. One is the model as viewed in Sketchup just after having applying materials using the IRender toolbar. Note the size and coursing of the cmu which is correct. The next is the result of the IRender rendering - cmu is about twice the size and this is not usable... Any ideas why this is happening?




Could you make a small model where this is happening so I could look at it.

I suspect that you're using a procedural material, where the size of the tiles is set in the definition of the material, and is not affected by the scale of the image in the SketchUp model.

But to have an SKP file to look at would be best.

You can look at the definition of procedural materials by using the Advanced button on the Material dialog.

For example, this "2i" tile material (2 inch) is set to display it's 24 tiles at 48 inches (1219.20 millimeters), 2 inches apiece. Since the material is not based on an image, we cannot map it using the texture mapping coordinates of the SketchUp image based texture. You can change the size of the tile in the Advanced dialog however.

That may not be what's happening for you though, so a sample model would be best.

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