I have a problem every time I change computer and do a render with your program, do not see the trees. Got a solution to this problem?

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1. Do you mean that you replaced your computer, or that you moved a model from one computer to another?


- It this is a new computer, did you install the libraries as well as IRender nXt?


2. Are the IRender nXt/RpTreeMaker trees , or trees from some other source?


3. If this has happened before, do you remember what we did to fix it?


4. What happens if you start a new model, place a IRender nXt tree in a the model and render it?

Thank Al,


I make a model in the computer office, when i move this model in the computer home, the render is good, without trees


i make model in sketchup and view the trees in other computer, only dont view when i render in second computer

Send the model to support@renderplus.com and see why the trees are not working.


There is probably a path being stored somewhere which is not the same on the home computer. But this should not create a problem. If it is creating a problem, we will try to fix it.

ok, i send now, thank Al

I right clicked on one of your plants, and selected "Entity Info". This appears to be a plant from the AR3 library.


Perhaps the library is not installed properly on your home computer.


Select the "New Plant Icon", and"Load AR3 plant from library" and see the the Palms And Yuccas appear on the selection wizard:


yes, the trees appear


Al, i make other model and insert 2 trees and i make render, in the model of sketchup appear the trees in the render not

I send model in sketchup, and render

Thanks for finding this error.


Rich found a solution. It was caused because we switched to 64-bit rendering, instread of 32-bit rendering. But because SketchUp is 32-bit our settings of where to find the tree definitions got lost.


Rich is creating a new version right now which should fix it.



We posted a new version,  KE31, with a fix for this.




I have IRender_3_KC23nxt.

Can we update this with KE31. How?

You are enttiled to free upgrades, since you recently purchased IRender nXt.

Just downlaod the latest version, KE31nxt, from:


and install it over your current version.


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