Hi Rich


New change view option in KF28 looks great - It does not seem to work correctly in NXT image editor on my 64 bit machine (I am assuming it should has icons are present) All I see is white empty panel (I have used a very simple model so do not think it is a time loading issue) - if I press render the program crashes with a statement `irenderbatch has stopped working`.

Seems to work ok in render window - I presume - similar to the render window the view in image editor requires rerendering albeit from a nxtimage file - is this correct ?







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This feature lets you change the view or zoom in without having to re-extract from SketchUp.


We plan to add more later - like Render, or re-Render just a part of the screen area (for testing material changes, etc. more quickly in a smaller area)


We should not have to reload the Batch file (but we may still be doing this in the early versions)


We need to look and see if it makes sense in nXtImage mode.


In any case, all we are changing is the camera, so you will have to re-render to get the new rendering.

I can't duplicate this problem.

I can go into nXt image editor mode, and I can still switch to the OpenGL view and re-render OK.

I'll keep an eye out for it.

Hi Rich

I am trying to test on another machine at home at present but I am having problems with the visual 2005 redist installation freezing - I have rebooted machine twice.I will try again


It's running new redists for VS2005 that they recently updated onto my machine, dated May 13 and May 14. I'm not sure when they did it, I was out of town for 10 days.

I noticed that I needed to use the new redists for x86 and x64 when I tested an install of a new build on our 64 bit  text machine.

I found that going to the new redist fixed my problem there.

This is the first time those new VS2005 redists have been in one of our installs.

Nope the redist keeps freezing - all my windows updates are up to date - will look further



I am trying to run the (x 64) from the redist folder dated 13\06 but still seems to be frozen


It's dated ‎May ‎13, ‎2011, right?

It runs OK for me on my test machine.

I'm looking around on the internet to see if any else is running into this.

Sorry - yes 13th may 2011


I reinstalled the previous version of NXT - KF06 and that worked fine - I have since reinstalled the latest version and tried to reuse files I saved from previous installation but still the redist freezes at `time remaining 0 seconds`sequence.The previous redist files are also dated 13_05_11 - are these files deleted and reinstalled ?



Hi Rich

Still no joy - cannot still upload images so I have sent copy error message via email


We don't overwrite newer redist files in our redist folder. I wish now that we did.

You can copy the old one in there from somewhere. I can send it if you need it.

When you were running the new version, you were able render, right?

I assumed that you only had problems when you went to the OpenGl view and tried to render again.

And the our install did hang for you when it came to the part where is was installing the 64 redistributable, right? And did it show that same error message as the one you sent us? Or just hang?

We're trying to find information about this new redist that was updated on both of our development machines, but haven't found anything yet.

Hi Rich

1.The original open gl problem was on my work machine _ I will retry in the morning (GMT)

2.I am now at home - I have not been able to run latest version on my home machine because of redist problem

3.The previous NXT version works but when I try and load latest version with older redist it still freezes.

4.I have not been able to run new version on my home machine - it will not load in SU

5.Error message appearewd approx 20 minutes after I tried to cancel redist installation

6.I have also tried some very old redist files from previous beta dated 11_07_09 and will not run.

7.The redist files appear to be dated the same for both latest and previous versions so cannot understand why latest version freezes.

8.I have also used task manager to end processes and several restarts between installations

9.I have just reinstallled KFo6 - I had a couple of `another version is being installed errors`but with previous processes stopped KF06 installed and is working (it loads in SU - have not tested renderer)

10.I have uninstalled using installer and reinstalled also with no joy


Sorry but I really need to do some other stuff now (10 pm here ) so I will have to get back to you on Thursday



Hi Rich

I have reinstalled latest version several times on work machine (redist seems ok) but rotate view still does not work in NXT image editor and still crashes when render button selected (works OK in render window). I am using a simple cube model - so very basic.


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