Hi Rich


New change view option in KF28 looks great - It does not seem to work correctly in NXT image editor on my 64 bit machine (I am assuming it should has icons are present) All I see is white empty panel (I have used a very simple model so do not think it is a time loading issue) - if I press render the program crashes with a statement `irenderbatch has stopped working`.

Seems to work ok in render window - I presume - similar to the render window the view in image editor requires rerendering albeit from a nxtimage file - is this correct ?







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I'll see if I can duplicate the crash it on one of our machines.

Just to be clear, when you click the Rotate View button while in nXt Image Editor mode, you don't see the cube in the OpenGL window that opens up and then the you get the crash if you click on the Render button.

I assume that if you click on the Red X in the upper right of the toolbar while in the the Rotate View window, that it goes back to the normal View, and that you can still render again OK.

If you get a minute, could you open the Rotate View window and then look at the file "opengl_view.txt" in the batch folder? We save the current view there and use it to make the Rotate Window view, and I'm thinking that we're getting some numbers in there that won't work. Could you send me that file?

I have sent via email a image of both views(really must get image upload for this forum sorted)



I will look at file now


Also interestingly just got this error message when trying to render


ERROR during RB_EVAL command: $irnxt.rb_start_rendering('','')
undefined local variable or method `scall' for #<IRender_nXt:0xb024f30>

     (Error occurred in C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll.rb line: 106)

     #Date: '06/30/2011  16:35:10 GMT Standard Time'
         #Product: 'IRender nXt'
     #Version: '3.5 KF28nxt'
     #Build: 'KF28nxt 28 June 2011'
     #Base: 'nXt'
     #TL: 'rtr'
     #TC: 'IR'
     #VC: '11'
     #Windows: 'Windows Vista/2008 Build: 7601 Service Pack 1'


1.I have sent via email opengl file of other failed model

2.Above error occurs if i select `model` rather than `standard` in render options.

Do not know why this is - worked before - I will try new model.

Error did not occur on second test - have sent file

Meanwhile back at home........

I still cannot get the redist to work even tried uninstalling from control panel ! I have therefore reinstalled KF06 which for some strange reason still installs OK.



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