We have been looking at the render farm software for sketchup and would like to try it out. However, I cant seem to find a trial of it anywhere. I see that you had a beta a while back and I guess now its not being used. I can find where to purchase here http://www.renderplus.com/htm/purchase.htm#RenderFarm but nothing is listed as a trial to download or anything. I found one for accurender but we are wanting it for sketchup/iRender.
Could you point me in the right direction or provide us with a trial version?

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The two-computer Render Farm is free, and can be used for the trial version.

Download the two computer version from the AccuRender nXt site: http://www.accurender.com/page/nxt-render-farm

When you are ready to purchase the full version, purchase it from our site: http://www.renderplus.com/htm/purchase.htm#RenderFarm

Post more questions here on the Forum if you have any problems setting it up.

we downloaded that version and have it working on two computers, after rendering we go to the nxt image editor and open the first image 000000.nxtimage we get an error. We want to use multiple computers to make a single image of a large rendering

Hang in there. We will get this straightened out.

Each farm computer, and each slice creates a separate image.

The Render Farm status wizard included with IRender nXt should sew the images together for you.

I'll have Rich, (our Render Farm expert), take a look and offer some advice.

Did the file in the error message exist on your hard drive? If, so could you send it to me?

Also, could you try running the latest version of IRender nXt? The version your running, KE04, is from last May. It may be that it's no longer compatible with the .nXtImage files created with latest version of the Render Farmer.

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