What is the best way to set the initial view of the 3D PDF?  Prior to exporting the view from sketchup I have made sure the entire model is shown.  After exporting the initial 3D PDF view is zoomed way in.  I tired creating scenes, but they do not seem to effect the initial view.  Please help.

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It's supposed to just use the view that you rendered.

There is that check box for "Fit Home view into U3D area", but I'm frankly not sure what we added that for anymore...I'd have to play with that.

Maybe it's a Metric/Imperial bug?

Could you send me a small model where this is happening?


The problem was that we were miscalculating the view for a large model like this.

We fixed it and posted a new version of RPS 3D PDF, LA13.

It can be downloaded from:




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