After running across the RenderPlus video on YouTube about the 3D PDF capabilities here:

That said, I jumped into a model, shot out a rendering, and followed the instructions on the video.  My menu options are all the same as suggested, CAD lighting and all the same check boxes selected.  

In 2 different models, one with parts used from the 3D warehouse along with models made by me, and the other completely made in house, I get the following message:

"A 3D data parsing error has occurred."

Chunks of my models are then missing in action when I go to view the 3D model and my lights go wrong.  

This feature is the coolest thing I've seen yet because I use the renderings in direct dealings with customers on orders.  Giving them the ability to explore their products before they purchase is going to be a huge step from our already awesome rendering capabilities (thanks to RP).  I just have to get the bugs worked out.  

Any help will be awesome.



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I had forgotten to set the U3D compression quality in the new version (We had rewritten the whole U3D routine from scratch to fix the problem we were getting with the Acrobat error messages.)

It looks like it's working now.

Please try the latest version for me.


Dialing it in!  Here's my most recent attempt

On the home position of the U3D model, there is a large spacing between counters.  In looking close, it's only spacing in the counter tops and base.  The cabinet itself is still in place.  I'm noticing that my .5" thick piece under the counter top is missing in action.  Roll on around to the opposite side from the home position and you'll notice the faces are having issues.  Also, on inside of the counters, my tops are not coming out flush with the cabinet.  In this version, my model sits correctly on the's not recessed in at all so that's improved.

Let me take a moment to express how awesome the customer service is.  We were blown away by the product the first time we rendered.  When we dialed in settings to our liking, we were again floored.  With the U3D ability, we're loving the concept and with the support you guys have shown....this is going to be the coolest thing we've run up on yet.  thank you for taking this back to the drawing board time and time again.  You guys have made this plugin well worth the cost and anyone we discuss sketchup with gets a heavy RPS plug.  

Can you send me the SketchUp model that goes with that? So I can reproduce it here?

I see that you made the PDF in your last post with the LB10 version of IRender nXt, LB10  (February 10, 2012).

The fix is not in IRender yet, I only posted a new version of RPS 3D PDF with the fix, another application.

I'll post a new version of IRender shortly that will probably fix what you're seeing.

Still want the model?

No, try the LB17 version I just posted first.

I've been covered up today so I was slow on the reply.  This is the PDF off the new version.  I noticed some lighting issues and color issues.  The base of my counters stay wood grain in some instances.  The lights are very dark too.  I didn't drop the brightness but a couple points to get the rendering.

The components stayed sized correctly though!

For the lights, try setting "File" as the light type, and setting the File Lights intensity setting to 3.

For the bases, see if we are looking at the reverse side of the faces for those. We might be showing the material from the front side. Send me the model for this and I'll take a look.

I just saw this.  I'll send the file over.  Whats the email?  Thanks

We posted a new version of IRender nXt with a fix for this. I was able to duplicate the problem you were getting with those cabinet bases and fixed it. Seems to work great fine now for me.

Please download it and try it.



I've been at a trade show last week and haven't had a chance to get back into this til' today.  So far...IT WORKS!!!  I'm going to start showing this off immediately.  Thanks a ton for helping me take our offerings to the next level. Great customer support!  

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