
Just came across this Neatimage, which seems really great at removing the speckled effect on the Path Tracer images if you don't have enough time to let them cook overnight.

(Edit- Raw render)

(Edit- Despeckled one)

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It took me a few minutes to "guess" that the bottom image is the bad one and that the top image is the smoothed one. Is that right?

Did you try our Gaussian smoothness filter on it to see what it does?

(You can click it over and over to keep adding more smoothing to the image)

Hi Al

Labelled them now :-)

I have tried the Gaussian filter in the past and it just makes it too smooth loosing the original sharpness to much.

Probably not great image to try it with, but it seems to remove the speckled pattern to good degree with lossing sharpness- this is the trial version some only save with low grade jpg.

I'll give another go, when I get back home- having been on the road for the last three weeks. Hope I can find some diesel to get home!

Heres probably a better example, I grabbed form accurender forum

Oh...the dots I was seeing in the lower image were on my monitor!

Neatimage: great find.
Thanks for having reported.


Can't get to @ Gaussian smoothness filter unless I re render image, or use photo shop.

Perhaps we should add a tool to apply the filters to saved images.

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