can you provide any additonal info on the HTML option. Help file seems to be for an older version.  I select HTML and it keeps creating a U3D file

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It works for me here. It creates an HTML file, with the embedded PDF in it.

When you check HTML, does you dialog change to look like this:

that's what I get, but below is the two screens that follow


See how the name of the file is set to CBS-ALT.u3d?

We need to get that to change to CBS-ALT.html, or it will just save the U3D file.

That should automatically happen for you when you toggle the PDF-U3D-HTML radio buttons to HTML. I'll see if I can figure out why that wouldn't happen.

I can duplicate a bug where when I use the Browse button to set the file name it won't let me select an HTML file. I'll fix that.

I did try to change the extension when selecting the output file location, that didn't seem to work.  Will try again.  By the way, will the HTML version allow the 3d rotation as well?  Just figured it might be away around the "producer" property

Try toggling to U3D and back to HTML. What does that do? Does the file name change?

The HTML file that we save is just a simple HTML page with the 3D PDF file embedded in it. Yes, you can still rotate the geometry.

It was added mainly to show you how to create such an embedded page, to show what code needed to be in the HTML file for it to work. So that people could put these PDFs on their web sites.

I'll attach the simple example I just saved of a model with only Susan in it, so you can see what it is. Just unzip file somewhere, and click on Untitled.html.


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