A little quirk occurs when selecting the interior w/ sun lighting prior to rendering. A gray plane pops onto the screen immediately. This doesn't effect the rendering that I can tell but is awkward.

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I believe you are sending us the model.

We will take a look.

Try using the Preset Setup wizard and see if it has the same problem, and see if it flip-flops between Interior no sun, and Exterior. (On the presets wizard you can see what settings are changing)

The Grey plane is a shadow from the sun being cast upon the ground plane.

When you click on Exterior, we turn the Sky on in SketchUp, since Synchronize Changes with SketchUp is checked on our Options/Presets tab.

Even thought you don't have the ground plane on for this model, the Windows/Shadows setting "On Ground" is checked. so SketchUp adds a grey shadow at ground level, which for this model is up above the floor of the room.

If you un-check "On ground" for the SketchUp shadows, or raise your model above ground level, the grey plane will not appear in the room.

Thanks Al and Rich! The ground was already off and was seeing the problem still but when I moved the model up so that it was level with the ground it corrected the issue. 

I'm always modeling rooms in isolation to an outside environment so it didn't occur to me to do this most basic of setups.

Thanks again,


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