On the RPS3D toolbar in sketchup under the start up tab if I select Load RPS 3D PDF when starting Sketchup then click OK. I am assuming that RPS toolbar should load when I start Sketchup but it doesn't. Each time I start Sketchup I need to go to plugins and click load RPS. Is this correct?

Also on the main 3D PDF screen on the left side towards the bottom under Styles. Once I make all the changes to page setup, text, layout, etc. I click on save and type in a name for these settings. Then when I run RPS 3D later I go to Styles and click on load then select the style I saved earlier but get this error message (An invalid argument was encountered). So I have to go through the settings and format my logo, layout, text, etc. Is there something I need to change to get this to work?



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Look at the About box and see if "Load RPS 3D PDF..." is checked:

I just posted a new version where Load and Save Styles is working now. I tested it on a couple of machines and it seems to be working for me now. You will have to save new .rps files, but once you do they will work OK.


Yes I had checked the Load RPS 3D PDF when starting Sketchup but when I would close sketchup and go back into Sketchup later RPS 3D PDF did not load and when I clicked on the about box Load RPS 3D PDF would not be checked. I have downloaded the new version and that has fixed all of my problems. RPS 3D PDF loads each time I start Sketchup and I can save my settings under styles and then load them at a later time. 

Thanks for the great service.



Let me know if you run across anything else.

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