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New version posted - MB12 - February 12, 2013

In this version we:

  • Remove the Renewal Reminder, since it was appearing every time that RpTools was loaded, even if the user had checked "Do not show this reminder again".
  • Fixed a memory leak in the Background Image Editor, when using the Perspective option for background images.

We pulled that  latest version, MB12, that we posted on the downloads page, since we found out that the Sun was no longer working!

Sorry for any problems that caused. Please reinstall the LL15 version until we get that fixed.

We will post a new version by Monday morning with the Sun working again.

New version posted - MC01 - March 1, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed a bug where the Select Materials dialog was taking a very long tome to extract the thumbnail for some materials.
  • Fixed the Lights Edit/Query dialog to get the list of lights in a model without having to click on Refresh.
  • Fixed the license dialog to properly notice the latest license number entered after a renewal.
  • Fixed thumbnail image display for the current selection on the Warehouse tab on the Render Ready Components dialog.

New version posted - MC08 - March 8, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed a bug where an error was occuring during a check for object properties on meshes

New version posted - MC18 - March 18, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed a bug where textures on materials were not working in 3D PDF files saved from the rendering window Save dialog.

New version posted - MC19 - March 19, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed a bug in Export to 3D PDF, where textures on some materials were upside-down in the 3D PDF model.

New version posted - ME17 - May 17, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixes a bug in the Place Lamp dialog which was introduced in the ME16 version.

New version posted - MH26 - August 26, 2013

In this version we started saving the License information in an ini file in the user's AppData folder, to solve a problem where we were not able to save the license data in the registry for some users.

This release has no new features or bug fixes and should probably only be downloaded and installed if you are having with your license and authcode.

New version posted - MI18 - September 18, 2013

In this version we:

  • Add a new toolbar function to load and save Material Styles.
  • Add the Replace Materials option to the Select Material to Place or Edit dialog, for quickly changing materials in the model.

For more about Material Styles, see:Materials Styles

For more about Replace materials, see: Replace Materials

New version posted - MI20 - September 20, 2013

In this version we:

  • We now allow you to change the name of a material in the model by right-clicking on it in the Select Material to Place or Edit dialog.

New version posted - ML13 - December 13, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed a regression in the last release, where the AccuRender plants were no longer working.

New version posted - NA16 - January 16, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed the RPC placement dialog to work with the new ArchVision Dashboard.


Note: You will need to have the Dashboard open when placing RPCs using IRender nXt. and the Dashboard seems to have to be open before you click on the RPC button on our toolbar, or the list of available RPCs is disabled.



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