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I reposted this new version, since we found a bug in the Rich Text editor that was causing crashes. The new version number will be "MD18b".

New version posted - MG09 - July 9, 2013

In this version we:

  • We now allow saving U3D files while in Trial mode, so we no longer show any warning messages about that.

New version posted - MG24 - July 24, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed a regression where the rotate model constraints option and the option of disabling of the toolbar buttons, like Rotate and Spin, wasn't working.

New version posted - MG26 - July 26, 2013

In this version we:

  • Fixed the position of the lights in the 3D model. This allows more even lighting and brighter colors for the materials.

New version posted - NC06 - March 6, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed the install routine to work with SketchUp 2014
  • Improved the installer to make it easier to re-install into different versions of SketchUp.
  • Change the version number to 3.0
  • Fixed a problem with material textures with non-ascii texture file names which appeared in SketchUp 2014

New version posted - NF12 - June 12, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed the calculation of the center for the rotation tool for views which were not looking at the center of the model.
  • Added an option to specify layers which are to be ignored when calculating the center for the rotation tool. This will help with the rotation tool for models where a large floor or landscape area has been added. Multiple layer names should be separated by semicolons.
  • Fixed 3D PDF to work with Parallel Camera views.
  • Fixed 3D PDF to work with Color by Layer again.

New version posted - NF30 - June 30, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed Images to still work when Color by Layer is being used in SketchUp

New version posted - NJ13 - October 13, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a regression where Section Planes were not working in the PDF file.
  • Fixed a problem where a PDF file name change was not working correctly, unless the Browse button or Mode buttons were used to change the name.

New version posted - PG05 - July 5, 2016

In this version we:

  • Fixed a bug where setting changes made in the rendering window were being saved as profile variables, so were affecting all models.

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