
I have tried several different methods to get a picture of a wall, to look realistic. But to no avail.  Can someone direct me to a tutorial which will show step by step instructions to overcome this problem.



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What kind of wall is it. Brick, paint, wallpaper?

Maybe you could post a model along with an image showing what you are getting, and we could take a look.

You can put a SketchUp model in a zip file and attach it to a post or a reply here.



Hi Rich,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I would like to create bump maps for all types of textures paint, plastic, cement etc and have started with brick. I assume that the methods are all the same for whatever material texture is used. The SketchUp files attached, show imported images File > Import > Image as Texture.

My iRender_nXt.CHM file has several missing pictures and wonder whether you could possibly arrange for a copy showing all the pictures.

Thanks again



Yes, the methods are the same for any texture.

Either use the Auto Bump feature, or use the Advanced Material Editor if you need to create custom bump maps for materials.

The  iRender_nXt.CHM help file is fairly outdated.

We maintain the documentation online now at this link:


That's the link behind our Help button on our About dialog:

where we try to do a better job of keeping it up to date.

Could you see if the pictures that you are not seeing appear for you in the online help?

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