When i go to the plugins dropdown in sketchup 8, i click on IRender load and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? How do I get IRender to work?

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Try turning on the SketchUp "Window/Ruby Console" before you click on "nXtRender- IRender Load", to see if you get any error messages in the Ruby Console window.

Also check "Window/Preferences/Extensions" to make sure the "IRender nXt/nXtRender" is checked.

Also, look at "View/Toolbars" and see if "IRender nXt" apprears on the liist and is checked.

i have no error message on the Ruby Console window. when i go to "Windows/Preferences/Extensions", IRender nXt/nXtRender is not an option and it is not under the list when I go to "View/Toolbars." Does this mean that IRender is not installed properly?

Sounds like it.

Did you download and install the latest version, from a zip file called "IRender_3_KB09nxt.zip"?

hi i have the same propblem when i load the irender nothing happens - what can i do?

this is the Ruby Console massage:

loading IRender_nXt RELEASE Installed Release
is_irender_nxt_debug: false
Loading: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\Ruby\rps_common_ruby.rb
loading IRender_nXt: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt LOAD MODE: 3
load_irender: $rps_file: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll_start.rb exists: true
***** Loading: ardll_start.rb
File loaded: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll_start.rb
***** Loading: comm_dcl_routines.rb
LOADING: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt/ruby/ardll_dcl.rb
***** Loading: ardll_dcl.rb
start_irender: $irender_nxt_load_mode: 3 which: nXt
SKIIPING rsdist_exes for now
Creating new $irnxt mode: 3
IRender initialize
INIT: $irender_nxt_load_mode: 3 $irender_nxt_release_folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt
LOAD MODE in (initialize) NEW: 3
$irender_nxt_release_folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt
RELEASE - MODE: 3 dll_name: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
AFTER CASE - MODE: 3 dll_name: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
IRender_nXt: @app_name: IRender_nXt dll_name: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
@dll_folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt
dll_name: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
GETWD: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt/bin_nXt
DLL EXISTS: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
GetDllDirectory: (before set) C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt
GetDllDirectory: (after set) C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXtREQUIRE DLL: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
Error: #<LoadError: 14001: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.   - C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll>
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt/ruby/ardll_dcl.rb:147:in `initialize'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll_start.rb:60:in `new'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll_start.rb:60:in `start_irender'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt/ruby/Irender_base.rb:237:in `load_irender'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt/ruby/Irender_base.rb:283:in `load_irender_nxt_installed_release'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt/ruby/Irender_base.rb:460
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll_start.rb:61:in `call'
C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\ruby\ardll_start.rb:61

The error message says that the file "IRender_nXt.dll" will not load because it cannot find the necessary DLLs that it needs.

2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXtREQUIRE DLL: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
Error: #<LoadError: 14001: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail. 

I assume that you've download the latest version that we've posted, version NB21, from:


and there weren't any error messages while it installed, correct?

yes you are right

what can i do to make it work?

Can you try running  SXSTRACE, that is built into Windows? It lists which DLLs get loaded and which throw an error.

It will probably tell us what failed.

Note: this only works the first time a DLL load fails, so you should restart your system before trying it.

1. Got to a DOS prompt window (You can use RUN from the start menu, and CMD) to open this window. This is now called a Command Prompt window.

2. Type in the DOS window:

SxsTrace Trace -logfile:SxsTrace.etl

(If you put your DOS window in Quick Edit mode, you can copy this from the emal and paste it into the DOS window with the right mouse button. Right click on the title of the DOS window, and select properties to place it in Quick Edit mode.

Or  you can paste things into the DOS window by copying them to the clipboard, right clicking on the DOS window title bar and selecting Edit/Paste. It may be easier to do that and avoid typos.

3. It will respond:

Tracing started. Trace will be saved to file SxsTrace.etl.
Press Enter to stop tracing...

4. Then Start SketchUp and try to load IRender nXt.
        I assume you'll get the same error message.

5. Then, back in your DOS window, use the Enter key to stop the tracing, end then type in:

SxsTrace Parse -logfile:SxsTrace.etl -outfile:SxsTrace.txt

6. It should respond:

Parsing log file SxsTrace.etl...
Parsing finished! Output saved to file SxsTrace.txt.

7. Send us the file that it created: "SxsTrace.txt". We'll look for the first error in it to see if it gives us a clue.

You can email it to me ar rich.hart@renderplus.com

- Window/Preferences/Extensions" the "IRender nXt/nXtRender" is checked

- View/Toolbars "IRender nXt" apprears on the list its not appear

Yes, it sounds like our module is not loading.

Were you able to run SxsTrace tool that I described in the reply above?

yes but i dont get any error when i tying  to load it throw sketchup


In you original post, the ruby console showed this error:

2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXtREQUIRE DLL: C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/RPS_IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll
Error: #<LoadError: 14001: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail. 

I'm hoping that you can run SxsTrace to create a log file that will give us a clue as to what is missing. if you are able to run it, you will eventually create a file called  SxsTrace.txt with an explanation of the error thrown wile trying to load the IRender nXt dll.

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