
I'm running IRender_nXt version NB06 5.0, which as far as I'm aware is the latest update and notice that when modifying a material from the render window that the selected material attributes are reset. this can be quite confusing especially when hopping from this screen to the advanced editor where the settings are not reset.

 Also the advanced button is located under the load button.


Both are also also true for version NA16, which a colleague of mine is using.


Can these be fixed in the next update?



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Yes, we'll fix this and post a new version as soon as we can.


Many thanks guys!

I posted a new version, NB27, with a fix for this.


We had a problem where materials with spaces and other special characters like "<" in the name were not working correctly in the Material Editor.

Also, the Load and Save buttons should not have appeared at all. 

Would you try that version and see if it fixes the problems that you're seeing?



Will install the updated version as soon as I can, and let you know if it worked.

Thanks for the quick fix!!



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