After installing sketchup 2014 and reinstalling IRender, copied the validation/authorization code from the previous install, it was accepted.  However every time I restart, I am asked to validate again.  Please advise.


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Could you download and install the latest version, NE28, from this page:

and then re-enter you license number and click Check License and Validate and then close and restart SketchUp to see if that fixes it?

sorry, did not work - still asked to validate

In the new version, there is a gear box button that brings up the Support dialog:

Could you click on that gear box and check that "Show Debug Messages when validating license" box, and then click OK. Then make sure your new license in showing in the License box, and the click on Check License and Validate?

That will eventually bring a message box like this (probably after a message that the license is already authorized) :

Could paste the text in that message box in a email and send it to me?

Hopefully that will show me from where an incorrect authcode or old license number is being read.



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