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New version posted - NA27 - January 27, 2014

In this version we:

New version posted - NA28 - January 28, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a bug that was keeping the last version posted, NA27, from rendering on a 32 bit machine.

New version posted - NC05 - March 5, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed the install routine to work with SketchUp 2014
  • Change the version number to 6.0
  • Fixed a problem with material textures with non-ascii texture file names which appeared in SketchUp 2014
  • Fixed a problem editing materials in the rendering windows, when the materials had special characters in the material name

We will be continuing to load new versions more often this month if we find any new issues with rendering from SketchUp 2014

New version posted - ND02 - April 2, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed ArchVison RPCs, which were were not working at all anymore after a new ArchVision Dashboard was updated.

New version posted - ND07 - April 7, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a new bug where too many material files were being saved for a rendering with textured materials, slowing down the rendering.

New version posted - NF27 - June 27, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a problem editing some materials in SketchUp 2014. Ruby material.count functionality had changed.

New version posted - NG16 - July 16, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a problem where the nXt Material and Plant Libraries were not automatically being recognized.
  • Fixed a few problems with the Select and Place Material dialog, where the Add and Edit funcions were not working properly.
  • Added a new Add and Edit choice to the Library and SketchUp material lists on the Select and Place Material dialog.

New version posted - NG16b - July 23, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a regression in version NG16 which kept the TreeMaker tool from working.

New version posted - NH05 - August 5, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a problem placing RPC objects when the name of the RPC object contained a character which could not be used in a file name, such as a "/".
  • Added an option to the Layer Wizard to save "In Position" Planar HDRi images in their original resolution.

New version posted - NH11 - August 11, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a regression where SketchUp 7 - 2013 users were getting an error that the IRender nXt install location could not be found.

New version posted - NI30 - September 30, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a problem with the the Advanced Material Editor, which was not working for some users, by including the latest VS2008 redist in the install.
  • Fixed a regression in RPC placement.
  • Fixed a regression in the Change View function in the rendering window.

New version posted - NJ15 - October 15, 2014

In this version we:

  • Fixed a problem loading Material Styles in SketchUp 2014. Material attributes, like Reflective Intensity, were not getting read correctly. 



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