Hey I've been trying to render a model for days now and it keeps getting stuck at extracting or stuck at "start raytracing " i need help I uploaded the model using hightail

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funny thing is that other models rendered fine no issues but not this one

The other trick to try is to take some geometry out of the model, or just hide it, and see if it starts to render.

There might me some complex geometry that you don't need to include in the rendering, or at least you might find out that the cause of the problem is.
Sketchit said:

funny thing is that other models rendered fine no issues but not this one

how do i do that?

You can hide objects in the model by right-clicking on them and selecting Hide, or by plcing them in layers that you then turn off.

Sketchit said:

how do i do that?

So i should hide all objects then render?

Why would you hide all the objects? Then I know you wouldn't see anything.

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