Revit AR nXt locks up when trying to render a model that had worked previously

I have been away for a while. I updated to version MG01 in July 2013. for use with Revit 2012. In July I did a basic render on a current project: no materials, no lights, etc. The rendering performed as expected. No problems. White on White model, clearly rendered. Today I attempted the a rendering of the same view. ARnXt and Revit locked up.

I tried a rendering on a simple basic block model and it worked.

Any suggestions for trouble shooting.?

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Comment by Jerry W. Childers on December 19, 2013 at 12:42pm

I am not certain. I loaded the older version of the model and tested AR nXt and ite worked.

While keeping the older version of the model open, I loaded the most recent version (the one that I had a problem with) and AR nXt worked.

I then shut everything down, and rebooted and loaded the most recent version, and made a few adjustments, including editing the topography, the sun angles and created two materials. I tried to run AR nXt, but Revit crashed, with the request to save a recovery file.  This is one of the problems that I had had previously.  I do not have any clue regarding the cause of the problem.

Comment by Rich Hart on December 19, 2013 at 9:14am

What turned out to be the problem?

Comment by Jerry W. Childers on December 18, 2013 at 3:35pm

The problem has been resolved.


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