I have a irender nxt for the pc version of sketchup and am switching to a mac and want to install to Sketchup 8.  Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Somehow you've got an old Beta version installed, which is not compatible with SketchUp 8.

We need to get rid of the file IRender_Nxt_Beta_loader.rb in the plugins folder.

There only need to just be one "IRender*" file in the Plugins folder, "IRender_loader.rb".

There does have to be a file there called "Win32API.so" and a folder called "Render Plus", containing the other ruby file(s?) that we need.

I've gotten rid of the other Irender_loader files but how to I get the Irender folder and Woin32API.so files?  Can you send these to me?

Those get installed when you install the latest version.

Are you able to install the latest version on any computer?


I've reinstalled SU8 and reinstalled nxd irender.  The error mewssage I get now is:

Error Loading File C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/Render Plus/IRender_nXt2.rb
126: The specified module could not be found.   - C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dllError Loading File IRender_Nxt_loader.rb
126: The specified module could not be found.   - C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_nXt/IRender_nXt.dll

Did you copy files to do the install, or did you actually install IRender nXt on the Mac?

If you installed it, what version was it, or what was the file name of the install file?

And did you notice the locations where IRender nXt was installing?

Finally, do those files and folders in the error messages exist on your machine?


I'm using a mac with dual platform with windows XP service pack 2.  So I am installing on Windows XP (can't install on mac operating system right?)
I install it, not copied. 
IRender_3_KF28nxt is the iinstall file

In the Plugin folders there is a Renderplus folder with four files in it. 
There are four loaders:
There is also the Win32API file and a few others not associated with Renderplus 

In the error message, it says:


126: The specified module could not be found.   - C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_nXt\/IRender_nXt.dll


Does that folder exist on the Mac?


C:\Program Files\Render Plus Systems\IRender_nXt\bin_nXt


If so, is that file, IRender_nXt.dll, in it?


This folder does not exist under program files.

I wonder where the files went?


Could you uninstall and reinstall IRender nXt, and notice where it says is is putting the files?

I installed and reinstalled and Render Plus Systems folder is now under program files.   Plugin menu is in place in SU as well as "nxtrender - irender load" in the drop down but IRender does not load in SU

Open the Ruby console and click on 'nxtrender - irender load'.

What does it show now? Any errors?

Open the WIndows/prefernces/Extensions dialog.

Does "IRender nXt/nXtRender" appear as a choice? If so, is it checked?

Nothing shows up in the Ruby console.
It does, however, appear in the extensions dialog and is checked

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