Hello, I recently upgraded to Sketchup 2015 and the newest RP3DPDF.

When I create a 3DPDF, the edges appear as white lines, not dark edges.  In the OPTIONS, I have ALL EDGES selected and have tried different widths.

Any suggestions of what I should change?

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Somehow we got a regression where edge lines are being drawn in the Default Face color available on the 3D DPF options dialog. That color is a fairly light color by default. I can set it to be black and the edges are black in the PDF, but you might also have a lot of faces without materials start appearing black...

We'll fix this and post a new version, where we use the color being used in SketchUp for the edge like we used to.

Hi Rich - Thank you for your reply.  Following your suggestion, as a test I changed the Default Face color to pink and made a PDF.  The edges are pink, as you thought but the widths are too thick.  I changed the width to 0.05 and they are still wide.  I've attached two screen shots to show you.


I'll fix the line width also.

I posted a new version with a fix for this. We now use the color set in the current SketchUp Style for displaying the edge lines in the 3D PDF again, and the edge line width setting is working again.

You can download the latest version from our downloads page:


Or, here is a direct link to the version that I just posted:


Please let me know if you notice anything else that might have regressed.


Hi Rich - I installed the update and now get this message when I try to make a PDF.

I received  this Error message while running RPS 3D PDF Version: OH28p 6.0

Error: Unable to ArchVision DashBoard.

Cannot start process: \Dashboard.exe

         (Error occurred in ..\rps\rps_std.cpp line: 9569)

     #Date: '08/28/2015  13:18:57 US Mountain Standard Time'
     #License: 'PDOH10041I'
     #Computer: 'JOHN-HP'
     #Product: 'RPS 3D PDF'
     #Version: 'OH28p 6.0'
     #Build: 'OH28p Friday, August 28, 2015'
     #Base: 'Rp3dPdf'
     #Company: 'LineWork Architectural Design & Illustration'
     #Phone: '480-388-0992'
     #User: 'John Cates'
     #Email: 'john@lineworkadi.com'
     #Owner: 'John'
     #TL: 'rpr'
     #TC: 'rpr'
     #VC: '11'
     #Windows: 'Windows 7 Build: 7601 Service Pack 1'


Oops. I'll fix that and repost it.

Were there RPC objects in your model?

Rich, I don't even know what RPC is... Or Archvision.  I tried a simple model with only an extruded rectangle and got the same error.

Thanks for your help with this

We posted a new version with a fix for this:


Direct link to latest version, OH31:


Hi Rich - I'm still struggling with my line widths.  In a simple model, if I set the Edge Lines to anything under 1.0, they do not show up in the PDF.  Above 1.0 and they show up fine.  This is ok but some of my models are big and detailed and the heavy lines are too much.  I am on OH3p 6.0 and Sketchup 2015

I will have to make you a new version to fix this.

The edge line size logic is currently rounding down to an integer, so 0.9 becomes 0.

John Cates said:

Hi Rich - I'm still struggling with my line widths.  In a simple model, if I set the Edge Lines to anything under 1.0, they do not show up in the PDF.  Above 1.0 and they show up fine.  This is ok but some of my models are big and detailed and the heavy lines are too much.  I am on OH3p 6.0 and Sketchup 2015

I posted a new version, OI02, which uses edge line thickness properly again. You can now set it to be less than 1.0, or a number like 1.3 again.

You can download it from our downloads page,


or get it directly from this link:


hi Rich - I now am using O102.  If I use a simple extruded rectangle model, everything works fine, including edge thicknesses of less the 1.0   But, I'm working with a large model and if I leave Edge Lines at none, the PDF works fine, complete with the navigation toolbar at the top (snapshot attached).  If I change the Edge Lines to "ALL', with any thickness, the PDF is created but the navigation toolbar disappears and navigating with the mouse is not possible.


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