Had to reinstall OS so reinstalled both SU and nXt. See the attached screen capture message when attempts made to render. Can you offer me any solutions. Have appreciated and value your product support for the product for a number of years.  Thanks

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An addendum to the original post @ 11:40 I have windows 7 64 bit with  64mb of ram. I've been using program continuous for 4 years. Had to reload OS and re-install nXt program.  Based on multiple re- installs I haven't been able to launch in Sketchup 2014 session. 

Is irender nXt 6 NJ29 the latest version compatable with SU 2015 ? My irender nXt does not load with SU 2015 opening screen.  Help JR

 Hi John

I didn't get the error message your getting, but this might help.

I didn't have a problem installing on existing pc (lucky me), on which I'm single user, with everything in default places ie on C drive. with new 2015 sketchup and  nxt 6 NJ29 

I did however have a problem when installing on my new works machine (Win 8 64 bit), that had sketchup 2014 and 2015 installed. The prompt to install only came up with 2014, I clicked to browse for plugin folder.(The reason was I had install that on my D drive not my C.) I went to the plugin folder in the D drive and installed. IRender nxt wont load- no sign of it.

So I checked out this post, LINK and used ruby console to find the correct plugin folder I had to use. It was in my C drive! So I did a re install browsed to this folder and install IRender nxt  there and it all worked lovely. :-)

It may help - hope so.

Sometimes the MicroSoft redists that we run during the install do not install correctly for some people.

Could you try right clicking on these 2 redist executables, that end in "x64", and running them as an administrator, to see if you get any errors when they run:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Render Plus Systems\IRender nXt\redist

If they both run correctly for you, that might fix it.

If that doesn't help, try checking the "Use the 32 bit renderer" check box on the Support dialog and see if that fixes it:



STAGE 1 Was able to execute the 64 bit files in ms redist. with no issue. Attemp to in-stall and re-installl nXt failed see attached error message screen grab. When I open SU2015 session no "PLUGIN" loads to DROP DOWN menu as it usually does.

STAGE 2 The suggestion to reference the support tab is a screen I can only access when nXt loaded


I'm not sure why you reinstalled IRender nXt, unless you had opened SketchUp after running the redists and the 64 bit renderer still would not work.

Either way, now it sounds like IRender nXt is not installed.

When we install IRender nXt, we put files in 2 places.

1. the SketchUp 2015 plugins folder

2. Program Files (x86)/Render Plus Systems/IRender nXt

The SketchUp 205 plugins folder that we install into, by default, is:

C:\Users\[Your user name]\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\SketchUp\Plugins

Could you look in your SketchUp 205 plugins and see if this file and folder are there:

If so, let me know.

If not, we need to figure out why the install isn't working for you any more.

They are there. See screen grab


Is IRender nXt listed and checked in Window/preferences/Extensions:

If so, try un-checking and then restarting SketchUp and checking it again.

If not, type "Sketchup.find_support_file('Plugins/RPS_IRender_nxt.rb')" into the ruby console window and see if it finds it where we think it should be:


I was able to load nXt from the Extensions on drop down menu. Not the Plugin as before.

Should I be worried I don't have Plugin command on menu buttons as before ? When I do ad additional plug-ins maybe it will show up ?

Anyway it seems to be rendering normally now. Thanks JR

I think it will magically appear when you close and start SketchUp again.

I've seen that happen myself when I need to uncheck and recheck the Extension.

Let me know.

Stupid Irender. I have reinstalled it and followed Almost every instruction that Hart has mentioned it STILL keeps me an error. There is NO plugin toolbar either

Do you get an error in the Ruby Console window that you could post here?

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